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3 simple steps for better task and work management in the office

Getting the most out of your day can often be a challenge we face in an office environment on a frequent basis. With more apps and pieces of software related to scheduling and relationship management being used now than ever, developing the right process to ensure work is completed in a timely and professional manner is still an issue that many businesses struggle with.

Whilst many will look at packed work schedules as a sign of success, it actually means you have very little time to work on growing the business and developing new opportunities.

Steps for better task and work management in the office


1. Define your role within the organisation, and stick to it

When working in a business many individuals struggle to come to terms with their actual role within an organisation. If it has not been clearly outlined in the early stages of the employment, it may lead to them spending time on activities which are not productive and are actually being handled by other colleagues.

If you are in this position, get a clear idea of actionable results that the business is expecting you to deliver. This will help you structure your day better with tasks that will add more value to the business and increase your personal productivity.


2. Avoid the enemy of productivity, switch-tasking

Many individuals claim that their ability to ‘multi-task’ aids them in their ability to get things done, however, the idea of multitasking in itself is a concept that many do not believe in. In the realms of workplace productivity, you can only focus on one thing at a time.

Much productive time is wasted through the effects of switch-tasking. This is when you are working on an item, then an email pops in and you end up jumping on the new tasks. This leads to a diminishing effect on your workplace productivity. Using techniques like a Tabata timer will help you stick to the work that you are doing.


3. Consider adopting the ‘Inbox 0’ Approach

The inbox of your email can either be a source of pain or pleasure depending on how you manage it. We suggest adopting the Inbox Zero approach. This technique essentially means as soon as an email comes in you extract it into a task management system and remove it from your inbox.

This coupled with a general attempt to delete spam and unnecessary emails when they come in will help you keep your work on track and reduce work-related stress.