Dream Trip
Explain that this exercise will help us to understand and get to know one another better by revealing our some of our ideals and motivation. Tell the group that they will have ten minutes to write a travel itinerary for their ‘Dream Trip’. Ask them to imagine that their employer is so pleased with their…
Circle Of Questions
Split the group into two equal teams (if you have an odd number of participants, join in yourself to even the numbers) Ask one team to stand in a circle, facing outwards Ask the second team to create a slightly larger circle around the first, facing inwards Explain to the two teams that they are…
Blindfold Rope Square
Give each participant a blindfold. Explain that this is a task that requires effective verbal communication. Position the participants in the area where the activity will take place. Ask them to lower their blind folds over their eyes and turn around until you say stop (allow them to rotate a sufficient amount so that they…
Introduce yourself and say you are about to start your session. Give it a big build. Then stop talking and remain silent for at least 30 seconds, walking around the room or looking at your notes. At the end of 30 seconds, thank participants for their patience and, with a big smile, ask them what…