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Are Team Building Exercises Important in Esports?

All teams need cohesiveness to be successful irrespective of the kind of team it is, whether it’s a sports team or a corporate team. Team members that don’t get along with each other will never win. Team building is one of the managers’ most effective methods to get team members to gel and work well with one another.

Team building activities foster trust and support in one another, and team members can interact with one another outside of the work environment. These events also create opportunities for individuals to understand each other and accept their differences instead of seeing them as obstacles. Formal team-building events like competitive sports and other similar activities work well in a corporate environment, and their effectiveness has been proven. But how do they work in an esports team, and are they even necessary, never mind effective?

How eSports Teams are Structured

Even though esports is relatively new compared to other sports codes, having only started in the 90s, it has gained phenomenal success and has become a billion-dollar industry. Esports rely heavily on brand sponsorship, and brands view teams as a more valuable investment than individual players. So the more successful the team is, the higher their return on investment, and they are also a good bet for casinos like Netbet Casino. Therefore as team managers and leaders, it’s imperative that the team gels well and is productive, communicates, and ultimately wins tournaments.

Team building in Esport

Team building in esports is slightly different from traditional team building for organisations and other sporting codes due to the structure of esports teams. Teams are made of 2- 6 players, ages between 16 and 25 years; team members usually see each other for the first time when they have to play as a team. Considering these factors, traditional team-building activities may not apply to esports teams.

Esport team building activity should be centred around creating human experiences as these players spend so much time in virtual reality. Something simple like a shared meal will create bonding moments, where members will put away their gadgets and talk to each other. Other activities include:

  • Casual gaming. Try not to let this get too competitive, as this can create anxiety and stress among the team. Since teammates are young, you can make them play board games their generation wouldn’t know.
  • Watch replays together. This way, you can bounce off ideas about improving your playing strategy. Doing this in person will allow members to gain different game perspectives.
  • Icebreaker games are an excellent way for practically strangers players to get to know one another, bind, and build rapport with one another.


Team building activities are meant to enhance a team’s performance, allowing them to learn a new skill and grow their skill set. They encourage collaboration and understanding between players. In as much as esports is a remote and virtual sport where team members can feel isolated, you can incorporate team building and change team performance. Once each individual plays their best and understands their teammates’ shortcomings, you have a team that can go places.