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Get your productivity back with these quick tips

It’s easy to start a day off with good intentions and a full colour coded to-do list ready to be worked through and ticked off. This can make it even more disheartening when you get to the end of the day and you haven’t managed to be as productive as you hoped.

Sometimes you just need to get yourself back in to the swing of things. Here are some quick ways to get your mojo back and have you performing at your best:

1. Wake up early

A productive day starts the night before. The key is to try and get to sleep at a good time and to wake up early to allow yourself to start the day right. By waking up early you will have time for breakfast and to start the day without rushing around. Exercise in the morning can also give a good boost to your productivity.

2. Begin with the least appealing tasks

Nobody wants to do things they aren’t looking forward to, make sure you clear away the unpleasant and mundane at the outset so there’s not a dark cloud hanging over your day. Getting the hardest tasks done first can also help to motivate you to power through the rest of the tasks. Putting off the worst until last can subconsciously slow you down when completing the earlier tasks meaning your overall to do list can end up taking much longer. 

3. Take charge of timings

Keep track of your day and try to dedicate a set amount of time to each task or meeting. Set a timer and move on when the timer goes off. This will make you work more efficiently and allow you to spend less time procrastinating.

4. Work to your strengths

Most people have times of the day or ways of working that works best. For example if you know that you are most productive in the morning then it is best to play to your strengths and plan in the hardest or most strenuous tasks when you have the most energy and motivation. Likewise if you do your best work in a new environment, make time to plan some time for work in a new local café or public library.  

With productivity it is important to remember that everyone is different and performs their best under different circumstances. In order to unlock your most productive self, it is a case of trial and error. Finding the ways you work best and processes you can put in place will help to improve your productivity exponentially.